Xpert-Timer Basic 5Xpert-Timer - Professionelle Projektzeiterfassung-300368702

Delivery: License key by e-mail Platform: Windows ME, Windows XP x32, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 7, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows XP x64 Language: English, German, english, deutsch Xpert-Timer is a single application that can improve your project management skills by generously providing you with simple to understand precise statistics and activity reports, which drill down by specific projects. This handy project timer is especially designed for people who bill their customers based on time. Hotkeys make it fast and easy to work with Xpert-Timer time tracker. Features: * Administer unlimited projects and subprojects * Export to Excel and other formats * To-Do list * Wide varity of configuration * Automatic data backup * Reminders for tasks an projects ...and lots more. Visit our website to learn more about Xpert-Timer or contact the service desk at service@xperttimer.de

Price: USD 99.00

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