WinMail Decoder Pro 2 Site License (Per Country)-300453480

Delivery: License key by e-mail Version: 2.xx WinMail Decoder Pro 2 Extracts attachments and email message from WINMAIL.DAT files with ease!, simply drag and drop the WINMAIL.DAT on the WinMailDecoder.exe or with our new version you can run the Windows application and browse for a file/drag and drop and extract the files in a nice and easy usable interface. WinMail Decoder Pro 2 consists of two programs, a DOS program and now a new alternative Windows Application. When you receive an email message from another email user/client that has sent you a message in RTF format you will receive the normal message text along with an extra attached file named 'winmail.dat', The winmail.dat file actually contains the email message in RTF format and attached files. WinMail Decoder Pro 2 will scan the selected winmail.dat file for attachments and message text, it will then will save them to your hard disk/network storage as individual files in the original file format and it will also preserve the original file naming. WinMail Decoder Pro 2 is very easy to get to grips with, To install: unzip, copy the file WinMailDecoder.exe to your desktop. To use, just drag and drop a WINMAIL.DAT file onto it to extract the attached files or just run the new WinMailDecoderApp.exe and browse for the winmail.dat file or drag and drop the file in the filename edit box. Note: - If you use Microsoft Outlook Express and you get a message from an Microsoft Outlook user which you are expecting to have an attachment but it appears to be missing then it may actually be still be there but it is invisible to you. If this is the case do the following: In Outlook Express, drag the file onto your PC desktop and rename the file to WINMAIL.MIM (You may have to enable filename extensions in My Computer-->Tools menu-->folder options for this to work). Then open up WinZip - or another MIME decoder program, choose menu 'Open' and select the WINMAIL.MIM file and extract the file 'winmail.dat' into a folder and then drop that file onto WinMailDecoder.exe or WinMailDecoderApp.exe 21 day full featured evaluation period. when you purchase you recieve an email with serial key which will work with current and all future v2.xx versions Site license per country enables you to install as many copies are you want within your company per country.

Price: USD 695.00

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