Image of Transformers Retro Bumblebee Adult Costume | Transformers Costumes ID FUN2526AD-L

Transformers Retro Bumblebee Adult Costume | Transformers Costumes ID FUN2526AD-L

Hailing All the Way From Cybertron Bumblebee is by far one of the most recognizable Autobots from the universe of Transformers. If your birth year starts with "19" this rendition of the fearless fighter may be the one you most recognize and adore. Long time fans of the series, or younger fans that have the means to watch the 80's show will appreciate you rolling out in the fray as Retro Bumblebee. Don't let the times get you down, everyone loves seeing the nostalgia set in! Even though Bumblebee is one of the smaller Autobots, the bright yellow paint job is a surefire way to make sure you don't get lost in the crowd. You'll be able to patrol around, making sure no Decepticons are out causing mayhem. Or maybe you'll find other citizens of Cybertron to talk about the good old days and show off the retro look.  Product Details You'll find yourself enjoying suiting up, leaving behind your earthling body and becoming one with the machine! Once you're in the jumpsuit you'll get to armor up. You'll don the shoulder guards, the pair of boot covers and gloves with attached forearm guards, and then, finally, find yourself looking through the mask of an Autobot hero, ready to take on anything the world can throw at you.  Old School Autobot If you're looking to make a flashy yellow statement and show off your love for the olden days of Transformers, this is easily the costume of choice to do it in!

Price: USD 79.99

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