Transformers: Devastation is a third-person action game released on PlayStation 3. The production was developed by well-known, among others from Vanquish and the Bayonetta series, the Japanese studio Platinum Games. The project was inspired by the animated series The Transformers, broadcast on American television in 1984-1987. To recreate the atmosphere of the original, people from Platinum Games used the celshading technique in a way simulating the appearance of TV animations from the 1980s. The characters are voiced by the same actors who played the roles in the original cartoon, including Peter Cullen (as Optimus Prime), Dan Gilvezan (Bubblebee), and Frank Welker (Megatron and Soundwave). In the campaign, we stand on the side of the noble Autobots. We have to deal with the insidious Decepticons. The leader of them, Megatron, discovered the technology of plasma energy, which is able to transform the entire Earth into a cybernetic structure. Our task is to thwart these plans. There are five Autobots to choose from - Optimus Prime, Bubblebee, Sideswipe, Wheeljack and Grimlock. Each of these characters has unique offensive techniques. All heroes are able to instantly transform between the form of the vehicle and the appearance of a humanoid. Platinum Games is famous for its exquisite combat systems, and Transformers: Devastation is no exception to this rule. The skirmish mechanisms allow you to perform a number of different blows and counterattacks, and combine techniques into long combos. Many combinations require transformation as they are derived. For example, we can hit the opponent as a truck, and then smoothly start hitting him with fists as a robot. There is also a character skill development system, and an additional attraction is the presence of five levels of difficulty. Key features Surprise the enemy: PlatinumGames signature fast action allows instant robot to vehicle attacks, slam downs, counterattacks, and infinite combos for to create a unique master combat system. Five playable AUTOBOTS: Wreak havoc on the DECEPTICONS as OPTIMUS PRIME, BUMBLEBEE, SIDESWIPE, WHEELJACK and GRIMLOCK. Actors from the original TV series: Reprising their roles are Peter Cullen (OPTIMUS PRIME), Dan Gilvezan (BUMBLEBEE), Frank Welker (MEGATRON and SOUNDWAVE), and more. Play again and again: 5 difficulty levels with overhauls in enemy composition, combined with a deep customization system, means hours of intense gameplay.