Image of TinkerForge 2116 Expansion board Suitable for (single board PCs) TinkerForge 1 pc(s)

TinkerForge 2116 Expansion board Suitable for (single board PCs) TinkerForge 1 pc(s)

The Industrial Analogue Out Bricklet 2.0 can be used to extend Bricks with a 12Bit digital-to-analogue converter. This can be used to generate coupled electrical voltages and currents. The voltage can be specified in mV and the current in µA.The Bricklet has no galvanic separation to the Tinkerforge system. This means that there is a direct electrical connection between the terminals of the Bricklet and the rest of the system. If this leads to unwanted connections, ground loops or short-circuits in the respective application, the use together with an insulator Bricklet is advisable.The Industrial Analogue Out Bricklet 2.0 has a 7-pin Bricklet connector and is connected with a 7p-10p Bricklet cable with a brick.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 63.99

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