Delivery: License key Platform: , Support for Windows platform Version: 4.5.5 Language: English General requirements: * By buying 2 licenses you can install ReplaceMagic on 5 computers in one company * By buying 3 licenses you can install ReplaceMagic on 10 computers in one company * By buying 4 licenses you can install ReplaceMagic on 20 computers in one company * By buying 5 licenses you can install ReplaceMagic on unlimited computers in one company (company license covers only company that bought ReplaceMagic no matter is there any other connected company) * By buying 8 licenses you can install ReplaceMagic on unlimited computers at any company location worldwide (all companies in same group are covered by this license) * On next page in field Qty just enter appropriate number of licenses ReplaceMagic LNK Edition - search and replace properties of your LNK files * Package 2 - 5-user license is 2 times the single-license price * Package 3 - 10-user license is 3 times the single-license price * Package 4 - 20-user license is 4 times the single-license price * Company Package - Company license is 5 times the single-license price * Enterprise Package - Enterprise license is 8 times the single-license price * Just order appropriate number of license to get multi license. Description is in ReplaceMagic license file or click 8here to see it. If you did not download/buy ReplaceMagic until now test it and see how powerful application it is.