Image of Jumo Temperature controller L J U T K E N S R B C D L Chromel-Alumel Chromel-Copel (L x W x H) 131 x 96 x

Jumo Temperature controller L J U T K E N S R B C D L Chromel-Alumel Chromel-Copel (L x W x H) 131 x 96 x

The DICON touch is a two-channel universal process and program controller, which has a brilliant TFT color graphic screen visualized and intuitive operation with touch.The two control channels have the tried-and-tested JUMO algorithm, with two possible optimization variants. This enables a simple and highly precise start-up. Also a multi-zone control, closed-loop cascade control or other complex control tasks are possible.Four analog universal inputs and up to 8 external inputs can be different physical measurements with high precision. The control of actuators can be different output variants analogue or digital directly in the device. By external digital outputs can still be extended. For communication with higher-level systems can interfaces such as Modbus, PROFIBUS or Ethernet (master/slave) with web server can be used.For a safe process operation, the device has a password-protected user management with an individual assignment of rights for different levels or control commands. Screen masks for control, program generator, registration and overview images are available pre-assembled. An individual process image can be created with the help of the configuration software. Important analog and digital process values can tamper-proof with the types additional registration is saved, graphically visualized and through the serial port or USB-Stick tamper-proof to the PC will be exported. Using the configuration software, the process controller easy programming, mathematical or logical relationships describe or customer-specific LINEARIZATIONS. In addition, tools included to external signals or the control system to simulate or for the duration of the commissioning record. A comprehensive alarm and limit value concept as well as a flexible digital signal management round off the all-in-one device.Applications: Industrial Furnaces · Test and thermal barrier · Air-conditioning and simulation barrier · Incubators · Autoclaves · Dryer · Sterilizers · Htf systems · Plastics industry · Mechanical and Plant Engineering · Test Benches · Food and beverage · Pharmaceutical and chemical industries · Use on ships.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 1385.00

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