Image of Jumo 00616744 Compact controller

Jumo 00616744 Compact controller

The areas of application are two-point and three-point control applications as well as the control valves. The universal analogue input for resistance thermometers, thermocouples or current/voltage signals can be freely programmed. Setpoint and actual values, as well as all parameters, are represented by two seven-segment LED displays (red/green) with one or two decimal places. The values can be displayed either in °C or °F. 2 relay outputs with a breaking capacity of 3 A / 230 V and 1 binary input are available. The switch position of the relay or Logic output to which different functions can be assigned. The binary input can be used, for example, to lock the operation and setting, to activate a ramp or timer or to start the self-optimization. The supply voltage is AC 110 to 240 V. The controller has a ramp function with adjustable gradients for constant change of the setpoint. In addition, a special burning curve can be used for small ceramic kilns, so that a controlled start-up and time-dependent burning is possible. The operator can enter set values, gradient and burn time directly on the device. As an alternative to the front operation, the controller can be programmed via setup program and USB interface without additional power supply.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 409.00

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