Are you looking for a storage case for your sex toys? Or a mess-free way to clean them? Or a discreet charging station? How about all three at once? The UV Sanitizing Sex Toy Case does it all. It’s a durable case with a 3-digit combination lock to protect your toys from kids or other nosy interlopers. There are three USB ports inside the case, plus an additional vacuum-sealed opening, so you can charge your toys discreetly without needing to remove them from their storage case. But what really sets the UV Sanitizing Sex Toy Case apart from other storage solutions is that it also acts as a sanitizer, with UV lights lining the inside of the lid which kill 99.9% of all bacteria in only 10 minutes. The UV Sanitizing Sex Toy Case’s UV-C lights kill bacteria, yeast, E.coli, Salmonella, strep, pseudomonas, and many other microorganisms that might be present on your toys. The UV Sanitizing Sex Toy Case has an interior storage space measuring approximately 12.5" long, 7" wide, and 4" tall. This is large enough to fit almost any sex toy on the market, and in most cases, will fit several. Two dividers are included for organization if you want to store several toys inside the case. The UV Sanitizing Sex Toy Case comes with the following included: 2 UV-C cleaning bulbs 3 USB charging ports Wall outlet adapter 2 Removable metal dividers Protective bulb tray Sanitization system User’s manual The UV Sanitizing Sex Toy Case should be kept away from water, and wet toys should not be put inside of it.