Image of ID 516471947 400 Mother's Day Red Roses

ID 516471947 400 Mother's Day Red Roses is your source this Mother's Day for affordable fresh cut roses delivered to the location of your choice! Your Day Flower Mother Order consists of 400 captivating red roses delivered in bunches of 25 each. These radiant floral beauties are breathtaking to behold! No vase is included.'s Day Flower Mother Order is perfect for a booster fundraiser. The students will be thrilled to buy a rose or two for Mom! Or, deliver the Day Flower Mother Order to your local nursing home to help celebrate Mother's Day! The majestic roses will delight the seniors, many of whom won't be able to celebrate the day with their own children. Or, the Day Flower Mother Order enables the youth group at church to bring the dazzling beauty of roses to shut-ins this Mother's Day. This service project will be become an annual tradition for years to come and teach the children compassion and empathy! At, we harvest our flowers by hand every day right in our own greenhouses, but only those that meet the highest quality of standards will be shipped under the brand! We cut out the middleman and insure that you will receive the freshest flowers available at a much lower cost.

Price: USD 365.00

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