Image of ID 495071392 Carnations Bridal Bouquet

ID 495071392 Carnations Bridal Bouquet

This beautiful and elegant bridal bouquet has 25 stems of carnations your choice of color plus 20 wips of lily grass and 13 stems of ruscus. In step 3 you can choose the color of the carnations for your weddings bouquet. The bridal bouquet is 18" long flowers for wedding. The stems are wrapped with ribbon of the same color as your wedding carnations. In all wedding flowers we recommend your delivery date to be two or three days before your event and to order at least 10 days before the delivery date. Your wedding flowers and wedding roses are shipped absolutely fresh, direct from the greenhouses to you via FedEx. Globalrose sells wholesale flowers and wholesale roses at prices that are usually lower than most local wholesalers. All our wedding flowers and wedding roses are cut specially for you and your special event, 3 days before they are delivered to your door. Color tones for all flowers and roses may vary due to the computer monitor and/or Mother Nature.

Price: USD 94.00

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