Image of ID 27494494662 ecL by Natural BeautyPurifying Softing Toner 250ml/833oz

ID 27494494662 ecL by Natural BeautyPurifying Softing Toner 250ml/833oz

Um toner facial sem óleo, limpeza e refinamento de poros Ajuda a limpar a queratina teimosa, aperta os poros e elimina os cravos Melhora acne e espinhas, pele oleosa, rugosidade e tom amarelado Contém extrato de frutas de linguagem europeia para manter a pele suave e elástica Misturado com extrato de cana para promover a circulação sanguínea e revitalizar as células da pele oferece benefícios hidratantes anti-inflamatórios e duradouros Infundido com extrato de frutos de limão para oferecer um efeito anti-inflamatório e estimular o metabolismo da pele Deixa a pele macia, clara, purificada e revigorada Livre de fragrâncias, álcool, corantes sintéticos e óleo mineral ecL is a sub-brand of Natural Beauty, which promotes the idea of awakening the skin's own energy from the inside out, combining scientific research and health to infuse you with youthful energy and help restore skin to its "original" health and beauty. For over 50 years, Natural Beauty has been developing products through technical cooperation with leading international biomedical research and development teams in the United States and Europe, using natural botanical extracts with patented Harvard stem cell technology in the United States and precise clinical evidence of efficacy to treat skin problems from deep within the cells and develop professional beauty products suitable for Oriental women's skin.
ecL by Natural Beauty

Price: BRL 371.00

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