Miyazaki Hayao makes his highly anticipated return with the period fantasy The Boy and the Heron, the animation auteur's first feature film since The Wind Rises in 2013. A visually entrancing meditation on life, death and loss, The Boy and the Heron follows a grieving boy's haunting journey into another world during WWII-era Japan. An original story written by Miyazaki Hayao, the film shares the same Japanese title as Yoshino Genzaburo's classic 1937 coming-of-age novel How Do You Live? which Miyazaki read as a boy. The Boy and the Heron won Best Animated Feature at the 96th Academy Awards, marking the legendary animation director's second Oscar win following Spirited Away in 2002.As a young boy, Mahito lost his mother to a fire, and the loss still weighs upon him. In the midst of the Pacific War, he and his father move to the countryside where they are welcomed by Natsuko, who is his mother's younger sister and his father's new wife. M