Literature and film become one in The Inspired Island documentary series. Started in 2011, The Inspired Island series brings five more documentaries about eminent Taiwan literary figures in its third installment. Get all five films in a Blu-ray boxset with five books about the writers and five bonus DVDs of special features. A Lean SoulDirected by Chu Hsien Che, A Lean Soul documents the life and works of pioneering Taiwan modernist pioneer Qi Deng Sheng (1939-2020), the author of Wo Ai Hei Yan Zhu. The film combines literary analysis and interviews with the reclusive Qi Deng Sheng as well as his family and friends to redraw the portrait of a writer. Unfulfilled DreamsWriter Chu Tien Wen makes her directorial debut with Unfulfilled Dreams about the lives and letters of her parents, translator Liu Mu Sha (1935-2017) and novelist Chu Hsi Ning (1927-1998). Liu Mu Sha and Chu Hsi Ning's daughters read letters their parents wrote to each other in their younger years, rev