Originally planned as a short film for Japan Airlines, fantasy wartime adventure Porco Rosso eventually became a feature film at the hands of Japanese animation master Miyazaki Hayao. Set in Fascist-ruled Italy in between the two World Wars, Porco Rosso traces a World War I veteran fighter pilot (who happens to look like a pig) and his battles against pirates, the secret police and romantic rivals. Designed as a manga film for middle-aged men whose brains have been worn out, Porco Rosso has just the right balance of action, comedy and even a dash of romance. The film even broke the box office record Miyazaki had set earlier with Kiki's Delivery Service, becoming the highest grossing theatrical animated film release at the time.Porco Rosso is a World War I veteran fighter pilot who now flies around the Adriatic Sea as a bounty hunter. When he's not flying on missions, Porco spends his time at the Hotel Adriano, run by good friend Gina. When American p