Image of ID 1363041634 Aditi - Gold Stars Non-Piercing Labia Clips

ID 1363041634 Aditi - Gold Stars Non-Piercing Labia Clips

Gold Stars Non-Piercing Labia Clips Vaginal Jewelry. You play with nocturnal light. The two crystals that adorn your vaginal lips sparkle every time you take a step. Your slightest movement compels a starlight festival shimmering with shooting rays. Our intimate jewelry dares you to accept the most intimate of caresses.DetailsNon piercing. Painless and super comfortable. First on any size vaginal lips. Hypoallergenic. Gold clips with mounted crystal and fine pendant gold chains and gold star charms.Vous jouez avec la lumière de la Nuit... et les deux Cristaux qui ornent vos lèvres brillent à chacun de vos pas. Le moindre déhanchement de votre corps fait danser les étoiles comme des petites étoiles filantes, prises au piège. Des Bijoux intimes Or et Cristal qui osent mille caresses !Clips sans piercing, indolores.Très confortables. A positionner sur petites ou grandes lévres.MatièreBijoux Or 750/000. Hypoallergénique. Clips avec Cristal serti et Pendentifs chaines fines et etoiles.Gold plated 750/000. One size fits most. Made in France.This exclusive labia and clit jewelry is part of Body Body's unique vaginal jewelry collection. We have gathered together our selection of the finest and most stylish labia and clit jewelry and other vaginal jewelry on the market to give the adventurous woman the vaginal jewelry that she deserves. Get clit jewelry or labia jewelry from Body Body today.Great for sex. Think erotic. Think Body Body.

Price: USD 94.95

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