Image of ID 1247857237 reversible beveled crucifix pendant foir men 14k two-tone gold

ID 1247857237 reversible beveled crucifix pendant foir men 14k two-tone gold

The beveled, plain and high polished crucifix pendant for men in 14k two-tone gold is reversible and can be worn on both sides as either a plain cross or a two-tone gold crucifix pendant. The front of the pendant features a yellow gold crucifix with white gold corpus and the back is plain. This is a medium men's cross, made somewhat lightweight at approx. 1.40 grams, making this is a beautiful and affordable jewelry piece for men. The pendant has an overall height of 1 3/8" tall x 7/16" wide inclusive of the hoop and bail. The cross by itself measures approx. 1" tall. Add a matching 14k solid gold 0.9mm box chain in 20 or 24 inch length (optional). "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." - Hebrews 12:2.

Price: USD 199.00

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