Image of ID 1214260112 2000 SLIM SUPER Clear Single DVD Cases 7MM

ID 1214260112 2000 SLIM SUPER Clear Single DVD Cases 7MM

Slim Single DVD case 7mm. This Slim Single DVD case is half as thick as standard DVD case. DVD cases are often used as well for CD packaging. Holds the disc securely on the hub preventing it from sliding off. The push button hub design varies between manufacturers often with a hinge mechanism. Manufacturer: Mediaxpo Specification: ** Category: DVD Cases ** Color: Super Clear ** Size: Slimline ** Thickness: 7mm ** Capacity: 1 Disc Single ** Type: Premium ** Material: Polypropylene ** Measurement: 135mm x 190mm x 7mm (5 3/8 x 7 1/2 x 1/4 inches) Features: ** Made from 100% New Polypropylene material ** Strong Locking Mechanism: Disc would not be fall out from the case ** Strong Tab Holders: would not be easily broken after many times pushing ** Strong Hinge: would not become white and broken after several opening and closing

Price: USD 677.95

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