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ID 1213741767 Zino Red

Zino, made by the famous cigar rollers at Davidoff, are known for their precision, lighter flavor and easy smoke. The Zino brand was named after Zino Davidoff; the cigars launched after his death as a tribute to his expertise in creating an international cigar company. The entire classic brand is primarily made up of smaller cigars, perfect for quick smokes and made with the best tobaccos.The Zino Red Cigarillos are hard to find, but worth if it if you do find them! Made in Switzerland and wrapped with an Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper, each smoke is rolled impeccably and tastes fantastic. The perfect cigarillo for the mild-bodied cigar smoker. Brand: Zino, Country of Origin: Dominican Republic, Dominican Cigars, Length: 3, Mild Cigars, Packaging: 10 Tins of 20, Premium Cigars, Ring Gauge: 28, Shape: Cigarillo, Strength: Mild, Zino

Price: USD 7.00

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