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ID 1213740852 Aging Room Bin No 1

Each Aging Room cigar, belonging to a limited batch, is created with a blend of distinctive and rare tobaccos, and then attentively finished with an aged wrapper. Fashioned by premier cigar-craftsmen, Rafael Nodal and Jochi Blanco, these cigars present a striking profile of Dominican Republic tobaccos. While each batch boasts an individual mix of tobaccos, the product line is known for its suave and spicy flavor.Made by Rafael Nodal, the Bin No. 1 is one of the newest from this high ranking cigar brand. Just last year, they had the top non-cuban cigar available in the US. They have a silky, habano wrapper and delicious Dominican fillers and binders. With a medium-body and notes of rye, these earthy cigars are sure to impress. 90+ Rated, Aging Room, Binder: Dominican, Brand: Aging Room, Country of Origin: Dominican Republic, Dominican Cigars, Filler: Dominican, Length: 5 1/5, Length: 6 1/10, Length: 6 3/10, Medium Cigars, Packaging: 5 Pack, Packaging: Box of 20, Packaging: Sing

Price: USD 6.00

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