Image of ID 1190370250 IPW Industries Inc (ISO-SFC10X54) 15 GPM Salt Free Water Conditioner - 25 GPG

ID 1190370250 IPW Industries Inc (ISO-SFC10X54) 15 GPM Salt Free Water Conditioner - 25 GPG

Chemical Free, Salt Free Scale PreventionSalt Free Conditioners are not water softeners – Unlike softened water, Salt Free Conditioned treated water maintains the beneficial essential mineral content of your water and is safe to drink.Salt Free Conditioners BenefitsChemical Free Scale Prevention. Cost savings and environmental benefits.Virtually Maintenance Free. No salt bags or other chemicals to buy, transport and store.No Electricity, no waste water, completely self-contained.Beneficial minerals retained for more healthful drinking water.Improves the efficiency of water-using appliances.Simple installation – no electrical and drain hookupSafe for landscaping and lawn watering. No need to costly bypass plumbingCompatible with all on-site and community waste water treatment systemsNot subject to water softener restrictions and “bans”Includes10X54 MINERAL TANK HANDLES UP TO 25 GPG15 GPM SYSTEMFILTERSORB SP MEDIA CLACK UP-FLOW IN & OUT VALVE BYPASS 10" BIG BLUE CARBON FILTER 1 REPLACEMENT CARBON FILTER10 YEAR WARRANTY ON TANKS, HOUSING AND VALVES

Price: USD 1149.00

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