We are committed to your satisfaction and offer a hassle-free, money-back guarantee. Your purchase will arrive with a complimentary gift box, and we are always here to help if you have any concerns. This is a USA-based company that takes pride in providing superior customer service. So go ahead, buy this stunning wedding band ring and make a statement on your special day!Handmade exclusively by our skilled jewelery artisans, this elegant ring will add a dash of glamour to any outfit.Precious Metal Type: 14k Two-toneMetal Weight: 2.61 GMDiamond Weight: 0.102 CT. (I/J Color - SI2/I1 Clarity)Gender: Men'sWe can manufacture this ring in yellow, white or rose gold for the same price. Please select your desired gold color option and the ring size.Product ID: RM3510B-010-WYAA