Image of Gran Nain Banana Plant (Height: 5 - 6 FT)

Gran Nain Banana Plant (Height: 5 - 6 FT)

Growing bananas is a fun, easy way to add edibles to the home landscape, and the fruit is both delicious and packed with nutrition. Gran Nain Banana Plants have a thick, redish pseudo stem (or trunk) with dark maroon spots that give the plants an exotic look. Young stems, called pups, also have red streaks on the leaves, but the leaves become solid green as they mature. Each sword trunk produces a hefty head of bananas that follow its large flower. A single bunch of Gran Nain Bananas can weigh up to 150 pounds. Since the fruit bunches are so large, the trunks grow to be stout and strong. This not only helps the Gran Nain hold fruit, but makes them very wind resistant and far less prone to damage from storms than other Bananas. Mature Gran Nain Banana mats produce trunks that reach up to eight feet tall with crowns of wide leaves that can be eight to ten feet across. Gran Nain Bananas can be grown outdoors in USDA Zones 9 to 11, or indoors over winter in Zones 4 to 11. The beautiful Gran Nain Banana Plant likes full sun, plenty of water, and is a great choice to add tripoical style to the yard or container garden.

Price: USD 119.95

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