Image of Elgato Game Capture HD60 X Game capture Full HD resolution Live commenting Live streaming Plug n Play

Elgato Game Capture HD60 X Game capture Full HD resolution Live commenting Live streaming Plug n Play

THE BEST FRIEND OF YOUR CONSOLEHD60 X is compact, highly efficient and easy to use with any console. Rear HDMI ports keep your workspace tidy while the front audio interface is easily accessible. This is what a professional setup looks like.PLUG & PLAYHD60 X connects to the console and sends an uncompressed signal to both your gaming monitor and the PC you're streaming to. Includes effortless setup, HDMI and USB-C cables.POWERFUL PASS-THROUGHPlay your favorite tracks without graphic loss with pass-through in up to 4K60 HDR10. Or benefit from high refresh rates at 1440p120 or 1080p240.VRR GAMEPLAYVariable Refresh Rate is one of the strongest technologies that has made it on monitors and consoles recently. That's why HD60 supports X Next-Gen gaming without jerks and frame dropouts.YOUR STREAMING DEVICEHD60 X gives you full control of your stream. Use your own computer setup and the streaming software you prefer to work with. Stream live in high resolution for viewers on all video platforms.STREAM WITH ANY SYSTEMWindows? Mac? Laptop? Desktop? No problem. Without subscription, without restrictions. HD60 X fits seamlessly into your setup.INSTANT GAMEVIEWBoost your workflow with ultra-low latency technology that automatically synchronizes your stream with gameplay.YOUR RECORDING POWERHOUSEDedicated software for best performance. Powerful yet easy to use. Here comes 4KCU: Specially programd to get everything out of HD60 X.CONTROL AT A NEW LEVELStream deck and 4KCU seamlessly interoperate. Capture screenshots, capture flashback shots of different lengths, and more with the touch of a button.WHO IS HD60 X FOR?For creators who are looking for a high-end solution for full creative control and recording in the highest quality. Want to stream gameplay from PS5 or Xbox? Record at high refresh rates? Then HD60 X is perfect for you.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 249.99

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