Image of Edsyn SSALC5250-3 Solder lead-free

Edsyn SSALC5250-3 Solder lead-free

With continuous flux core, with active flux The little brother of the well-known solder wire SSAC with NO flux according to F-SW32 No CLEAN - fluxing agent for good flow behavior Double the flux content also helps with soldering with large oxide layers and reduces the soldering times Also suitable for dirty components Sn99 Ag0.3 Cu0.7 with F-SW 32 Easier to work because of the low formation of solder balls Silver content makes it easy to work on SMD components Copper content helps with open copper surfaces Lower silver content = low cost variant of the well-known SSAC solder wire 3 metals simplify lead-free workingMelting point: Solidus 216°C Liquidus: 227°C.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 57.99

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