No edible garden in USDA Zones 8 to 11 would be complete without a stand of nutritious, delicious bananas. Even those gardeners in colder zones can grow Banana plants in pots and still harvest this favorite fruit. Either way, the Dwarf Cavendish Banana is an excellent choice for the home food grower. Dwarf Cavendish Banana plants reach heights of between 8 and 10 feet tall, and they can take temperatures as low as 20ºF. Dwarf Cavendish Banana Plants are easy to grow, add a tropical look to the garden, and produce pounds of full size, sweet fruit. Dwarf Cavendish Banana plants have deep green leaves that can be as wide as 18 inches and as long as 4 feet. The vivid green leaves have dark red streaks when young, and larger, older leaves become solid green. Dwarf Cavendish Banana plants perform best in full sun and like rich but drained soil. Dwarf Cavendish Banana plants grow a main stalk that lives until it bears fruit. The base of the plant, or psuedobulb, produces replacement stems that become the next fruit-bearing trunks. This perpetual replacement allows you to have new fruiting Dwarf Cavendish Banana plants for years, and perhaps indefinitely.