Image of Candy Inventor Women's Costume ID FUN1376AD-M

Candy Inventor Women's Costume ID FUN1376AD-M

Taste Maker It's tough to keep up with food trends these days. Simple foods like toast and jelly spring into fashion with unpredictable ease. Then there's fusion cuisine, flatbreads, charcuterie boards, raw food, and kombucha. But there's one thing that will never go out of style. That's candy. And that hasn't gotten a modern update in years. All standard companies seem to be able to do is add peanut butter to things that didn't have peanut butter in them before!  What would you do if you could start your own candy company? What if you could make a piece of gum that would allow you to speak the language of your choice as long as you're chomping away? Or wouldn't it be cool if there was a lollipop that would change your hair color every time you got to another layer? Do you want to be a candy tastemaker? The first step is dressing in this quirky Candy Inventor Costume. Who knows what you'll come up with now! Design & Details This vibrant Made By Us costume will having you singing and inventing all sorts of sweets in no time! The jacket with tails is made with plum-colored crushed velvet and trimmed in gold piping. The attached vest has a pattern of all sorts of goodies scattered across. This costume also features a pair of pale pants with stripes on the outer sides and a large purple bow tie. Completed with a brown top hat trimmed in purple, this look is a sweet pick for Halloween festivities! Factory Fun Ready to start your very own candy factory? Pair up with a Chocolate Factory Worker or a Ticket Winner costume to bring your vision to life! Trick-or-treaters will be delighted to see a Candy Inventor open the door this year, after all, who knows what sweet mysteries you've invented!

Price: USD 59.99

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