The Brown Select Satsuma Tree with the botanical name Citrus unshiu ‘Brown Select’, is an evergreen mandarin tree of the family Rutaceae. This citrus tree has a dense growth habit and is less weepy than other Satsuma varieties. It has a crown covered with glossy, dark green, broadly lance-shaped, fragrant leaves. This medium-sized Satsuma tree has droopy branches that are nearly thornless. The Brown Select Satsuma mandarin trees are originally from a group of open-pollinated ‘Kimbrough’ seedlings gathered at the Citrus Research Station in the1960s and chosen during post-freeze appraisal after 1983. The variety was field tested under the label LA 4-40 at Louisiana State University’s AgCenter and was later named Brown’s Select in honor of Ralph Brown, citrus researcher and head of the Citrus Research Station from 1948 until 1977. Like other Satsuma trees, the Brown Select fruit trees are cold hardy; they flourish in full sunlight but can tolerate temperatures below freezing for a couple of hours. The Brown Select tangerine tree produces fragrant white blooms that turn into fruit buds with fruits concentrated in clusters on or along the branches. The satsuma fruits are medium to large sized, sweet tasting, and juicy. The fruit is mostly seedless and can be freshly eaten and enjoyed slice by slice right after picking from the tree.