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Email Extracteur Pro - 1.1 Electronic $26.78 $26.78

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Winwatch allows you to monitor your computer when you are absent, it is completely invisible and records in a log file all actions, web addresses visited, keystrokes during your absence.
Very easy to use, the grip is almost immediately thanks to its simple interface and very intuitive.



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Regime Plus (Diet Plus)
Regime Plus allows the persons wishing to be on a diet to follow daily their evolution. Very simple, it is enough to bring in the Weight of day and of u to put an anotation if to wish it to you.The inclusive software also some options as the graphic representation of the evolution of the Weight; the calculation and the definition of your IMC ; but also to indicate you your ideal Weight by making the synthése of the formulae of CREFF, BROCA, and LORENTZ.
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Screenwatch lets you capture a screen (like the desktop) has interval that you define either minutes or seconds. The software not be hidden and be totally invisible and thus monitor all meetings of the PC. An internal viewer scrolls through the images faster, but also to export them or print them, and many other options. You can run the software automatically when Windows starts and hide its icon, off CTRL + ALT + DEL, but also make them disappear from the list of windows programs (Add / Delete programs). The ideal tool to monitor FAMILLIALE COMPUTER OR OFFICE DURING YOUR ABSENCE AND WITHOUT USER no one notices ....

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K2na (LockFolder) allows to Lock folder but also to make them invisible, so that nobody can consult their contents. When the user will open the foler,windows show an error message and he cannot see his contents.The opening of the software is to protect by password to guarantee the confidentialitée of the locked data.The interface is simple, intuitive and the options will allow to hide the program of the list of addition abolition(deletion) of the programs of Windows, but also to delete(eliminate) the acces to the administrator of spots, to hide the locked files, etc....

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