REIKI, Usui & Tibetan, Level II Certification Manual, Practitioner Level Energy Healing

REIKI, Usui & Tibetan, Level II Certification Manual, Practitioner Level Energy Healing

A book by Gail Thackray
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Reiki is an ancient healing art passed down through generations, rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan. It involves the channeling of life force energy and is a simple hands-on technique that anyone can learn. This manual may be used for teaching Reiki Level II certification courses or simply by those interested in energy healing and self-development. Topics include: - Learn sacred Reiki symbols and how to use them. - Learn how to send Reiki from a distance. - Heal past life karma and early life issues. - Develop a stronger connection to your spirit guides. - Expand your psychic senses and abilities. - How to send Reiki to a future event. - Using Reiki for manifesting. - How to bless objects and events. - Learn advanced chakra balancing. - Start your career as a professional Reiki practitioner. - Using Reiki on animals. - Reiki healing for addictions.
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