The Lost Bali Stories: Volume II

The Lost Bali Stories: Volume II

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The Lost Bali Stories - Vol. II are true tales of wanderers following the winds of fate from 1985 into the '90s. Searching for the sweet taste of pleasure, the sensual winds of every moment, a spiritual quest for the creative energy of life and living, came the vagabonds, the nymphs, the adventurers, the poets, the pirates, and the artists. They came to Bali. A magical island that reached out into the universe, touched the stars and created magic amongst the gods. A special moment in time - Lost Bali.

The Lost Bali Stories - Vol. II are true tales from those who loved and knew Bali when the island was relatively still untouched by the masses.

The tales in this book are love stories about Bali pre-1990 before mass tourism struck the island and changed it dramatically.

Each story in this book differs through the eye of the beholder.

Every author's relationship with Bali is unique.

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